Applicants for admission into Professional Postgraduate Diploma in Maritime Studies are advised to proceed to the nearest Zenith Bank to pay for the application form fee after completing the online form registration using the details below.
Account Number:1013505188
Amount: Five Thousand Five Hundred Naira (5,500) Only.
NOTE: Use the form number assigned to you during the online form registration as the name of DEPOSITOR, do not use your name to avoid delay in verification of your payment. This is an alternative payment system pending when the Online Payment System will be reactivated.
Initial Application Instructions
1.Make sure you read and comprehend the admission requirements for the programme you are applying;
2.Click on the application category that applies to you under the Title section, e.g. "Maritime Diploma";
3.Provide all necessary information. Note that * means compulsory fields;
4.Make sure you use a valid email address that you can access;
5.Click on 'Submit Details';.
6.An immediate mail will be sent to the provided email address (This should be your personal email NOT the cybercafe's mail);
7.Open your mail to get your system generated id and password that you will use to login.
8.The email sent to you will contain an activation link, YOU MUST CLICK ON THE ACTIVATION LINK before you attempt to Login;
9.Enter your user name and the password as sent to your email to login;
10.You can save and continue with your application subsequently, by using the login but remember to use the login details sent to your email;
11.Once you successfully login, fill all the sections of the application form.
12.Click 'Submit' to finally submit your application; you will be redirected to our secure online payment platform, where you will be required to use you Master Card or Visa Card (only) to pay your Application Fee;
13.Once your payment is successful, your application form will be submitted;.
14.Fill all the sections of the application form before you submit your application;.
15.Make sure you print the application summary that will be displayed after you have successfully complete your application.
For enquiries contact the following; 07033248885,