Friday, September 20, 2013

The 2014 Berkeley Essay Prize Competition

ELIGIBILITY: The competition is open to all current full-time registered students in an undergraduate architecture degree program or undergraduates majoring in architecture in accredited schools of architecture worldwide. Diploma in Architecture students who have not yet completed their Diploma are also eligible.



HOW DO YOU DESIGN A HEALTHFUL ENVIRONMENT? In your city, find a building or a public place that helps create a healthful environment.  Describe the features of the healthful environment that you admire and why.  Tell us what you believe the architect did specifically to make the healthful environment work as it does.Then find a building or a public place that offers an unhealthful environment.  Describe the features of the unhealthful environment that you do not admire and why.  As an architect, describe specifically what you would have done differently, including working with what governmental and civic resources to Improve the situation.Tell us what you have learned by this comparative analysis.


In your city, find a building or a public place that helps create a healthful environment. Describe the features of the healthful environment that you admire and why. Tell us what you believe the architect did specifically to make the healthful environment work as it does.
Then find a building or a public place that offers an unhealthful environment. Describe the features of the unhealthful environment that you do not admire and why. As an architect, describe specifically what you would have done differently, including working with what governmental and civic resources to Improve the situation.
Tell us what you have learned by this comparative analysis.

More details here

PRIZE: There is a total prize of 12,500USD, minimum 4,500USD first prize. Remaining purse to be allocated at the discretion of the Jury.

HOW TO APPLY: To submit your essay, see here

DEADLINE: November 1, 2013



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