Thursday, August 29, 2013

Twitter changes to be 'more like Facebook'

Twitter has begun rolling out a number of new features, which it says will make it easier to follow conversations.

Conversations will now be shown together rather than in a strictly reverse chronological order, in a feature which has already rolled out to some handsets and will now be updated in all iPhone and Android apps, as well as

Up to three tweets will be displayed in sequence, with a line connecting them to show they are part of the same conversation. If users want to view the whole conversation they can tap on the first tweet.

The company said in a statement on Thursday: “From buzz about the VMAs to debates around upcoming football games, people come toTwitter to take part in these real-time, global, public conversations.

“To date, such exchanges haven’t always been easy to follow. With this in mind, we’ve now made it easier for you to see conversations as they’re taking place.”

Some commentators have suggested the move will make the social networking site more like Facebook, with tweets becoming more like comments on a status posting.

ed that aren't. But overall, this is a fantastic first step."



At 6:55 pm, August 30, 2013 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

U try


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