Sunday, September 22, 2013

5 Most Un-Usual And Weird Weapons Used In Wars

Desperate times call for desperate measures. It seems like in times of war, countries would go to the limits of trying just about anything as long as it gave them an advantage and a result no matter how absurd it sounded. Listed are the 5 most weird and unusual weapons developed and used in wars. These weapons were no doubt a source of surprise for the opponents then but now they have become a source of amusement for the generations to come. Innovative, unusual and very imaginative, here is our top 5 list.

Anti-tank dogs

Dogs. You read it right. Dogs were used by the Soviet Union during World War I against the German tanks. They were also known as dog-bombs or dog-mines. These dogs were kept without food for quite a few days and were trained to find food under the tanks. They were then fitted with explosives and set free in front of the German tanks. These hungry dogs reached under the tank in search of food and the detonator would go off damaging or destroying the military vehicle. According to the Soviet sources, these dog-bombs were able to damage and disable over 300 German tanks.

The Goliath Tracked Mine

It was a remote control anti tank mine that carried nearly 200 pounds of explosives and could be guided towards enemies’ troop and tank formation and was then detonated. German created and used them throughout the World War II. Among the allied forces, these were known as the ‘beetle tanks’.

Project Habakkuk

By the end of World War II metal was becoming extremely scarce. This project was designed to make a metal free air-craft carrier. Project Habakkuk was an ingenious idea proposed by Geoffrey Pyke. It suggested of hollowing an inside of an ice-berg and making the base with a mixture of wood-pulp and ice which they called ‘pykrete’.

Killer Dolphins

Military dolphins are used by both USA and Russia for locating under water mines and lost divers. There are rumors that these dolphins are specially trained to lay underwater mines, to kill enemy combatants, or to seek and destroy submarines using the kamikaze method. However, both the countries have always refused to ever have trained such dolphins that harm or injure humans, to carry weapons or to destroy ships.

Bat Bombs

Bats occur in abundance in America, especially in huge caves of Texas. Bats are capable of carrying weight greater than their own. Bats are birds of the dark and are secretive. All these facts combined and provided the Americans with a resourceful idea of using bats as bomb carriers. During the World War II, America developed small bombs that were to be attached to these bats in hope of attacking Japan. Industrial hubs of Japan were the main target. The bats could easily disperse widely and would hibernate in building during the day and a timer would set the bombs off resulting in havoc around the city and causing widespread fire.


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At 1:38 pm, September 28, 2013 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

whao, the imagination of men made material. if you can imagine it, you can create it


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